Wednesday, September 28

Resh's talk to BF youth this sunday 2/10/05

Dr Teoh Ren Shang is currently working as a confused Army doctor (who in the Army isn't?) who attempts on occasion to have pretensions of understanding the Dhamma and that others are just dying to hear him expound it. He hopes you will all humour him by attending his talk, and be polite enough not to throw all kinds of missiles at him when it is all over

Buddhist Legends, the stuff of which myth and tales are made, legends on a cosmic scale that drive home the point that even in the seemingly unchanging cosmos, even in the seemingly unchanging face of human history, all things inevitably change, and all such conditioned states are unstable and hence unworthy of being clung to. Hence i present to you two really interesting tales:

1. Beginning and End of the World- ever wanted to know what the Buddha said about the universe, its beginning and ending? ever been questioned by non-Buddhists on whether we have our own Genesis story? ever wondered how much the Buddha's explanation fits in with modern science? then this is one talk you cannot miss......

do come if you are free!


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